We live more and more busy lives and it can be easy to forget to put yourself first, particularly when you have multiple responsibilities. But looking after yourself will make you feel better, and when you feel better, the better you will be in all areas of your life.

Our Mental Health First Aider, Sarah Curzon, stresses that – “it is important to look after ourselves and to remember that self-care isn’t selfish, it’s essential. Try and get active outside and give your mind and body a natural boost. Take time to just breathe and be still, or do something that you really enjoy”.

There are some habits you can get into that will help you start your self-care journey:

  • Know your worth, self-care is important to maintain a positive and healthy relationship with yourself as it boosts your confidence and self-esteem, and realising your feelings are important too
  • Stress management: Constant stress and anxiety can have an adverse effect on your mental and physical health. Self-care habits like eating healthy or hanging out with loved ones limits the effects of stress by improving your mood and boosting your energy
  • Physical health: Self-care is not just about your mental health. But also, about caring for your physical self, by having a goodnights sleep, caring about your hygiene and exercising regularly

The key to self-care is finding something you enjoy doing and do it. Start today and you will soon see a difference.